Investor Relations, AnnouncementAnnouncements and Notices – [Date of Board Meeting] NOTICE OF BOARD MEETINGadmin2023-11-27
Investor Relations, AnnouncementAnnouncements and Notices – [Profit Warning / Inside Information] PROFIT WARNINGadmin2023-11-27
Investor RelationsAnnouncements and Notices – [Profit Warning / Inside Information] PROFIT WARNINGadmin2023-11-27
Investor Relations, AnnouncementMonthly Returns Monthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 31 October 2023admin2023-11-27
Investor Relations, AnnouncementMonthly Return of Equity Issuer on Movements in Securities for the month ended 30 September 2023admin2023-10-19
Annual Report, Investor RelationsFinancial Statements/ESG Information – [Annual Report / Environmental, Social and Governance Information/Report] ANNUAL REPORT 2022/2023admin2023-08-10